I have to apologize to my readers who missed this part. All the while I was thinking that I have posted the 6th part of the 7-part article I created 7 Ways To Get Started, but I just found out that I didn’t so please forgive me for those who were expecting it. Anyway, I have passed this stage in development just recently and I’m doing my best to turn down some offers that do not fit me well anymore. This part showed me which of the roads are available for me and it has come to a point where I have to choose. I hope you enjoy reading part 6 of 7 Ways To Get Started and I’m sure that it will help you along the way in making your first million pesos!

Advantages of the approach

Remember your friends use to tell you about your suitors, “collect and select”. This clearly takes advantage of that statement. You get to choose which of the things you do you would like to retain in your life and throw away those that you don’t like. I’ve been a biologist, an artist, a programmer, a web designer, a video editor, a motivational coach, a teacher, a stage performer, a writer, a painter to name a few… But after doing all of those, i can clearly see which ones are working well for me and otherwise. After having a clear focus on what you really want, you tend to shift on that direction most of the time since you excel on it. In the example above, if you are really a good writer, you will have more writing job requests and you will lose time doing all the others. And if you are totally happy with it, that becomes your profession. Then you can go back to clients on the other things that you do and tell them, “well, i’m not interested in painting anymore, i shifted my attention to writing and i am pursuing it as a career now, if you will be needing my writing skills, i am here to help you”.

And also, you won’t have any of those what-if’s in life thinking about what might have been if you’ve taken another path. I once was to become a doctor (that’s why i’m a biology major) but after the experience of pre-med, my thoughts were crystal clear, I do not want to become a doctor. But I was really passionate about it at first. Passionate that I was hearing my heart pound on the thought that i’d be able to cure illnesses and diseases… You see? If I didn’t take the time to experience it myself, i wouldn’t know if it was for me, i will always wish i’ve taken that direction.

When do you stop?

Believe me, you’ll be bugged by a million people when taking this approach. You will be asked to help in all directions and money will start to come in. When you have a good product/service people who at first got you for free will now compete for your time. You then start to become valuable. This is when you have to learn how to say NO. Additional indicators might be, you start to get bored, or you cannot manage your time anymore despite all your efforts, and you start to get regular return clients. Return clients means “you are good at it and they want more.” And when your business becomes sustainable, it’s a clear indicator to turn down offers in the other fields and concentrate on building a business. I’m actually here at the moment. KAIKO, a video production company I started is now getting regular clients to a point that I can already use other people for employment as freelance giving income opportunities to other people. But it is still unstable since it can only sustain itself up to a month and it will gradually eat the resources again. I believe it only needs time to grow so I will let it that way for a while, get clients every now and then while I pursue other stuffs.

Things to do:
1. Try to come up with a list of friends who in anyway might need your help
2. Expand your experience as possible to know how far you can stretch
3. When you have a ratio of the skills they wanted you the most, try concentrating on it
4. Try to build a business among the top two or three

One thing to consider also when helping people is to identify which of them REALLY needs your help so that your efforts will not go to waste. And don’t hesitate to offer your help, that will come back in one way or another and sometimes in ways you can’t imagine.

So there, I hope this article gets you started to your road to wealth. Until next post!!!