Try this one, close your eyes and focus on a certain color, let’s say yellow. Now when you open your eyes look around you and try to remember all the items that are yellow around, ten seconds will do (please do the exercise before you read on and you’ll be astonished by its results!) Now shut your eyes again and try to remember anything blue… Chances are, you won’t remember any… And that’s because your eyes were so keenly setup to see only yellows that it blocked everything else… Guess what… This happens to you everyday of your life! You only see things the way your eyes were setup to see blocking everything else that doesn’t agree with it. And there is a good thing about this discovery, now that you know how it works, you have to make it work with you, not against you. And your mission is to change your perspective.

Seeing things differently is an advantage… Shifting your perspective can and will show solutions that you never knew was there all along. A change of perspective is just what you need in order to proactively seek opportunities. Before I knew of this, my eyes would just wonder around magazines, television, mall stands and opportunity after opportunity, I missed it all! How did I know? Because now knowing how the mind works, I got back to the same things and I was blown away with how much opportunity was there! You’ll even see how other opportunities were taken by those who saw it before you and they are making big business.

To illustrate let me share to you my experience. When my daughter was in a singing workshop, their recital then was to be held in Teatrino in Greenhills San Juan. By then I was broke and had no job (I just resigned, believe me when you’re in this status, you really have to change how you look at things). Then I decided, let’s give the idea a try, i will be thinking of nothing but ‘how can i make money with the things i’m seeing’… guess what, it works almost instantly and even gave way to my baby video productions company KAIKO. As I was looking around the workshop and the concert itself, I noticed nobody was video covering the whole event! I myself would love to see my daughter on tape and she would love to see it too when she grows up, now there’s a market right here that nobody is servicing. So I went to talk to the director to give me a try and we did our first coverage with a rented video camera and help from friends, I edited everything, put it in a good packaging and gave it back… Now, we have all the succeeding contracts and all concerts which will be produced by the same director! And out of the same experiment I even saw other opportunities that other people might think profitable such as costumes, gowns for rent, and many more, I’m sure there’s even a lot that I missed to see. Projects will come in two-months interval but that’s a start. What I have to do now is fill in the gaps with other directors who might need the same services.

You see the power of changing your perspective is barely tapped by the experiment and yet a business was made, so I don’t see any reason you won’t be able to start up with the things I have shared with you. Use it all with the spare time you have and watch your progress unfold.

The Process

Scan – look around you and try to see if there are opportunities out there waiting for you to take. Anything that interests you the most might be a good thing to start with. It’s hard to just see things in your head only so you have to physically go out and explore, read books, and experience the world around you. You can use an already established businesses model (for me it was video coverage) and see if you can provide it. Or create something else which is much better (another business I’d like to venture in is Naughty Panties, printed panties with a twist!) DO NOT limit your ideas with the things you can do. You can share those other opportunities with one of your friends who might be interested, they will love you for it!

Plan – if you have found the opportunity you’ve been looking for, plan how you can actually make money out of it. Think like the project is already yours and it has more than enough budget to cover you (this mindset will force the best out of you). And think how you will present it. Profit is not a good front, it might be better to give an impression of helping out (because it’s all about that!) and you are interested in making THEIR business better.

Take Action – everything will be such a waste if you don’t actually DO IT. In the end, it’s action that produces results. It won’t work the first time, believe me, if it does YOU are sooo lucky! It took a number of proposals to gain the confidence, it took some time to shrug off failures and start again. But in the end, it all pays off. I think the lesson I learned from this experience is priceless because it will move me forward in life no matter what.

My mentor told me he got started with his own business knocking at doors for six months trying to find somebody who needs his services. And I did just that, but it didn’t take me that long since my services are quite cheaper than his (200k laser light show versus a 20k full video coverage). And it worked so successfully I had to hire other people to help me as I my schedule was full, providing income opportunities for others!

You won’t make any progress or start anything without doing anything! Don’t be afraid, mistakes are obstacles that makes you stronger every time you come through it. Mistakes are the actual treasures of experience so accumulate so much that you have no room for another (well, make it a point you only do one of each).